Antenna and rigging accessories

Accessories in stock:

  • Aramide guying wires:
    1. 750kg.
    2. 1500kg.
    3. 3000kg.
  • Aramide cable and end terminations
  • Galvanised steel cable:
    1. 6mm.
    2. 8mm.
  • Galvanised shackles
  • Galvanised tightening screws
  • Stainless steel cable:
    1. 6mm.
    2. 8mm.
  • Nicopress clamps
  • Stainless steel sleeves
  • Stainless steel cable clamps
  • Stainless steel tightening screws
  • Coax cable :
    1. Aircell 5
    2. Ecoflex 10
    3. Ecoflex 15
    4. RG213U MIL-C-17F
    5. RFS Cellflex LCF14-50J
    6. RFS Cellflex SCF12-50J
    7. RFS Cellflex LCF12-50J
    8. RFS Cellflex LCF12-50JFN fire retardant
    9. RFS Cellflex UCF78-50JA
    10. RFS Cellflex LCF78-50JA
    11. Huber+Suhner S10162B-11
  • Several connectors for before  mentioned coax cables
  • Spinner connectors and adapters
  • Spinner surge protectors
  • GCA cable clamps and accessories
  • Rotor platforms
  • Rotator operation cable
  • Cross clamps